Childs farm baby wash review #triedtested

I have briefly talked about this baby product before in little ones bath time and skin care routine, but I thought it needed an in depth review. This product has been really working for us recently, we got given it in a gift bag at a baby group and have been using it since. We really love it!

The Childs farm baby wash is specially made for newborns and baby's. The reason I love and trust it is because its suitable for sensitive and eczema prone skin, this reassures me that it is natural and doesn't have any harsh chemicals in it for little one. I understand that it is really difficult picking suitable products that suit you and your baby because of their delicate skin, but i really feel this product is great having a no sting formula and being Paediatrician and dermatologist approved.

At first I was slightly sceptical, as the first thing I do with a baby product is check the ingredients, and there was quite a few in there that i hadn't heard of which daunted me slightly. But once id made sure it didn't irritate little one, I loved it- and the fact it was fragrance free too!

Before using this product little one would just splash and bathe In her Johnson's baby bath which I would pour into running water to make bubbles (which i still continue to do whilst using this product). The reason I decided to give this product a go and change up bath time slightly was because of little ones age, I feel her skin has toughened up a bit and can take a heavier a wash. As well as that shes getting a lot dirtier in the day with food and going to the park, I wanted to use a separate body wash for her to really get her clean and germ free before bed.

To use this, I just squeeze a dollop onto my fingers and massage through my hands and onto her body (or as much as I can as she splashes) mixing with the water It turns into a foaming consistancy and I then rinse off with a sponge, avoiding the face and eye area. You can also use this on baby's hair! but we choose to stick with our trusty Johnson's baby shampoo.

We have loved this product so much that we are nearly out! I decided to buy a full size product but was unable to find the one I was looking for, so went for the one for older children (although it is suitable from newborn). At first I wasn't sure, as id said previously I liked the fact that the mini was fragrance free and this one was not, but once I saw it was blackberry and apple- made with organic fuit! I was sold. It has over 98% naturally derived ingredients and no artificial colours or parabens. We are yet to use this full size product, but I thought it was still worth mentioning, and will be sure to let you know how it goes when we do!

I hope you enjoyed this little review and found it helpful if you were confused in what to use next in your little ones bath time routine, or if you wondered what the product was like!

Laura and Little one xxx

*please do not continue to use this product if irritation occurs and only use product that you are comfortable with putting on your baby*

Family Fever
